Beyond Survival — Mapping Your Organization’s Post-Pandemic Strategy
Target Audience:
Designed to benefit nonprofit leaders (ED, DD and board members) seeking to retool their operations and development programs to generate the earned and contributed income necessary not just to survive the pandemic, but rebuild, grow and thrive.
Intended Benefit:
The Coronavirus has created unprecedented uncertainty about what the future may hold next week, let alone next year. As a result, most nonprofits’ work has largely revolved around a) responding to client and constituent needs amidst the crisis b) preparing for a return to normal. Yet it is essential that nonprofits plan beyond these two “book ends” in time.
In this interactive session, we will work through a scenario planning tool, from the perspective of a fictional organization, to begin to make sense of what we do and don’t know and define a continuum of scenarios that will help us plan for our new, evolving reality. Each participant will receive an electronic copy of the Excelsior Bay Group’s new Covid-19 Scenario Planning Tool they can use to plan their organization’s future.