COVID-19 Offerings

Excelsior Bay Group
Description of New Service Offerings

1) Covid-19 Scenario Planning Workshops
Beyond Survival — Mapping Your Organization’s Post-Pandemic Strategy

Target Audience:
Designed to benefit nonprofit leaders (ED, DD and board members) seeking to retool their operations and development programs to generate the earned and contributed income necessary not just to survive the pandemic, but rebuild, grow and thrive.  

Intended Benefit:
The Coronavirus has created unprecedented uncertainty about what the future may hold next week, let alone next year.  As a result, most nonprofits’ work has largely revolved around a) responding to client and constituent needs amidst the crisis b) preparing for a return to normal. Yet it is essential that nonprofits plan beyond these two “book ends” in time.  

In this interactive session, we will work through a scenario planning tool, from the perspective of a fictional organization, to begin to make sense of what we do and don’t know and define a continuum of scenarios that will help us plan for our new, evolving reality.  Each participant will receive an electronic copy of the Excelsior Bay Group’s new Covid-19 Scenario Planning Tool they can use to plan their organization’s future.


  • All workshops will be hosted on Zoom Conference and will take place from 12:00 – 1:00 pm (CST)on the following dates: May 28th, June 10th, June 23rd, and June 30th
  • After each session, there will be an optional 30 minute session for participants to ask additional questions and get feedback specific to their organization
  • Participation will be limited to 10 people in order to facilitate meaningful discussion and interaction and slots will be filled on a first come first serve basis.
  • The workshop cost is $49.50 and scholarships are available for those who cannot afford the fee (limit of 2 scholarships per session). Please reach out to Kim Snyder at 952-451-9293 or to discuss this option.

Click Here to Register

2) Personalized Covid-19 Scenario Planning
Excelsior Bay Group consultants are available to provide tailored facilitation and coaching for those organizations seeking additional assistance in identifying potential scenarios and developing strategies to prepare for and respond to the new normal that is emerging.
Please contact Kim Snyder at 952-451-9293 or Eric Snyder at 952-452-3766 to learn more about this new service offering.

3) Capital Project Planning and Covid-19
Coaching Circle:
Retooling Your Capital Plan

Target Audience:
Designed for nonprofit leaders (ED, DD and board members) whose capital projects haven’t yet launched or have been put on hold due to the uncertainty caused by the pandemic and are seeking a framework for updating their plans to reflect a changing reality.

Most nonprofits have tabled their capital projects in response to Covid-19 and shifted their focus to meeting their clients’ immediate needs for services. Best laid plans for the future are up in the air as they wait to understand the impact on donors and charitable giving, their future space needs and on organizational viability.

The Excelsior Bay Group has partnered with Nelson Tietz and Hoye (NTH), a local real estate and construction management company that specializes in nonprofit capital projects, to develop a new coaching circle intended to help nonprofits use this time on pause to rethink and refine their project strategy and determine when and how to move forward.

The coaching circle format is intimate and highly interactive. Participants will work with two coaches (one from each consulting firm) to complete four dashboards designed to address all of the critical components of a successful capital project in general, and within the context of Covid-19 recovery.


  • All coaching circles will be hosted on Zoom Conference.
  • EBG and NTH will convene two coaching circles beginning in June of 2020, each with a maximum of five participants
  • The first circle will be offered on the 3rd Tuesday of June (16th), July (21st) and August (18th) from 1:00 – 5:00 pm.
  • The second circle will be offered on the 3rd Thursday of June (18th), July 16th), and August (20th) from 1:00 – 5:00 pm
  • Each participant will also receive up to three hours of private coaching outside of the monthly coaching circle meetings
  • The cost for each circle is $1,750 – payable by check or Pay Pal. Please contact Kim Snyder of the Excelsior Bay Group at 952-451-9293 or or Paul Johnson of NTH 612-747-5077 or
  • Registration deadline is June 12th.

Click Here to Register

4) Pro Bono Office Hours Extended through June 30th
We’re extending our pro bono office hours for those of you who would find it helpful to have an objective, confidential place to share ideas and concerns and to gather new insights as you work to navigate the uncertainty created by Covid-19. If there is anything we can do to support or encourage your efforts, please don’t hesitate to sign up for a time to connect…we’d love to hear from you!

  • We’re blocking our calendars on Friday mornings to offer our clients (and other friends) the chance to reserve a 30-minute block of time to talk with us about whatever is on their mind.
  • Send us an email at and we’ll get you scheduled for a Zoom conference
  • Time slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Excelsior Bay Group
25 Center Street
Excelsior, MN 55331
952 451 9293